Salesforce Admin interview Questions


What is an App in salesforce?

An App is a combination of tabs that can work as a unit to provide functionality. Users can switch between the Apps using app drop down menu at the right corner of every page.

Navigation -- Setup --> Build --> Create --> Apps --> Click on New

What is object in salesforce?

Custom objects are database tables that allow users to store the data specific to organization in you can use custom objects to extend your business functinality or to build new application functionality.

Once you have created a custom object, you can create a custom tab, custom related lists, reports and dashboards for users to interact with the custom object data.

Navigation --> Setup --> Build --> Create --> Objects -- Click on New.

Types of relationships in salesforce?

 There are four types of relationships.

1. Lookup

2. Master-Detail

3. Many-to-Many

4. Hierarchical relationship.

Master detail(1 to many)

A relationship in which parent controls certain behaviors of the detail object. 

1. When a record of the master object deleted, its related detail records also deleted.

2. Owner field on the detail object is not be available and it is set to owner of the associated master record. Sharing rules, manual sharing or queues will not be available for the detail objects as these requires Owner Field.

3. The detail record inherits sharing and security settings of its master object.

4. The master-detail relationship field is required on the pagelayout of the detail record.

 5. Records cannot be reparented in master-detail relationships. Administrators can. However we can give the permission of reparenting option while creating a Master detail relationship.

 6. Standard object can not be on the detail side.

7. Roll-up Summary fields can only be created on Master Side which will calculate SUM, AVG, MIN and Max of the child records.

 Upto 2 relationships can be allowed to object.

 Lookup(1 to many):

1. Child row not automatically deleted when a parent row is deleted.

2. No inherited sharing.

3. 40 lookup relationships are allowed per object.

4. Lookup field on child is not mandatorily required. 

Many to many:

 You can use master-detail relationship to model Many to many relationship. It allows each record of one object to be linked to multiple records of another object and vice-versa.

To create a many-to-many relationship, simply create a juction object with two master detail relationship fields, each linking to objects you want to relate.

What is Self Relationship?

 A self relationship is a lookup to the same object.

 Example: Account have the self relation to Account object(Parent Account).

 How can you achieve Many-to-Many relationship?

 By Using Junction object we can achieve this relationship, here junction object is having Master-Detail relationship with different objects. Using this Master-Detail relationship, we can create Many-to-Many relationship in between the objects.

 Can we convert the lookup relation to Master detail ?

 Yes we can convert the  lookup to master-detail relationship only if all the existing records have the valid value for the lookup fields.

 Que: A custom object contains some records, now my requirement is to create fields in this objects with Master- Object relationship. Can we create master -detail relationship in this case.

 No, directly we cannot create master detail relationship if a custom object contains existing records.

 Following are the steps to create a master detail relationship field for the custom object if records are exist.

 1. First create field with Lookup relationship.

2. And then associate lookup field with some value on the parent on every object.

3. Next change the datatype from lookup to Master-Detail.

What is a Tab?

 Tab is a user interface component to user to display custom object data.

 There are three types of tabs. 

1. Custom Tabs

2. Visualforce Tabs

3. Web Tabs

 Yes User can upload their custom logo in documents and then they can chose that logo for organization.

 What is a pagelayout?

 The organization of fields, links,sections,  buttons, related lists on a detail page of the object record.

 Used to organize UI pages for users.

1. Which fields, related lists, and a custom links the user can see.

2. Field properties -- visible, read only and required.

3. Page section customization.

 navigation --> Customize --> Case(Object) --> Page Layout --> Click on new button.

 What is a record type?

 Record types allow you to associate different business process and Picklist values to different users based on their user profile.

 They are used which pagelayouts users see when viewing records, based on their user profile.

 Things that can be customized on pagelayouts.

 like fields, Buttons, Custom buttons, Links and related list. We can also create sections.

 What are the different levels of security?

Object level security

Field Level security

Record level security

 Object level security allows us to hide whole tabs and objects from the particular users so that they don't even know the type of data exists.

We can give Object level access on the object permissions user profiles.

 Field level security -- It is a variation on Object level Access... In which a user can be prevented from seeing, editing or deleting a particular value from the particular field on the object.

 It allows us to hide some sensitive information without hiding whole object.

 On the platform, we set the field level access rules with the field level security.

 Record level security -- This is given to have the control over the data on the object.

 There are 4 ways to give record level access rules.

 1. Organizational wide defaults.

2. Role hierarchies

3. Sharing rules.

4. Manual Sharing

 Organization Wide default settings(OWD):

This setting is given at object level. OWD defined the default record level sharing for objects. OWD takes the three different values.

1. Private

2. Public Read Only

3. Public Read/Write

Role hierarchy?

Role Hierarchy allows additional users access to records. A hierarchy of roles is defined based upon access requirements at record level. Each user belongs to a unique role. If a role has access to some record, than its parent and ancestors will also have access to this record. Roles can be created using the Manager Users menu. Roles are used to control record access, where as profiles are used to specify access at object and field level.

 Manual Sharing?

Manual sharing can be granted by record owner, any one above the owner in role hierarchy and System Administrator. Manual sharing is used to handle exception cases where access to a particular record needs to be given to a specific user.Manual sharing is used to handle exception cases where access to a particular record needs to be given to a specific user. There will be a Sharing button on the records page. This is used to provide manual sharing. manual sharing button will be available on the records of object whose OWD is "Private".

 What is public group?

Public group consists of users, roles or "roles and subordinates". Sharing rule is defined using public groups. Record that match certain condition can be assigned to users in public groups using Sharing Rules. Sharing rules functionality is available via the menu Sharing Settings.

 What is App Exchange?

App Exchange is a market place to sell your custom applications and to buy applications from App Exchange.

 Different ways of making a field mandatory 

While creating a Field

from Page layout --> go to pagelayout -- Click on properties -- click requited

Using Validation rule. ---- Field can be made mandatory from user who is using the same pagelayout used by others.


What is  Configuration & Customization?

Configuration means using UI we can easily develop applications in salesforce. Customization means on top of that Salesforce configurations, we can develop our own custom functionality(Visual Force Pages AND Apex)

 Types of Editions in salesforce ?

Developer, Contract Manager, Group, Professional, Enterprise,Unlimited,  editions.

 What is Salesforce Application:

 A Salesforce Application is a logical container for all the objects, tabs, processes and services associated with a given business function.

 It is a group of Tabs that work as a unit to provide functionality.

 A custom App consists of name, description an ordered list of tabs and optionally a custom logo and a landing page.

 Salesforce provides standard apps such as Sales, Call Center, Marketing and Community etc....

 There are two types of Applications

1. Custom Application

2. Service cloud Console Application

 Creating objects and Tabs

Objects are database tables that allows us to store data specific to Organization.

 Two types of objects.

 1. Standard Objects.

2. Custom objects

 Objects that are provided by are called Standard Objects.

 Ex: Account, Contacts, Leads, Opportunity, Cases, Contracts, Reports dashboards

 Custom Objects: Objects that are created by us are called Custom objects.

 Custom objects store the information that is unique and important to our organization.

Custom objects have properties suchh as,

 Custom Fields, Relationship to other object, Pagelayout, A custom user interface Tab... we can track upto 20 fields per object.

What is tab and types of tabs ?

 Tab is a user interface to create records for object and to view records in object.

1. custom tabs,

2. VF tabs

3. Web Tabs

 Service provided by Cloud Computing?

 1. Infrastructure as a service(IAAS)

2. Platform as a service(PAAS)

3. Software as a Service(SAAS)

4. Network as a Service(NAAS)

Types of Clouds:

1. Public Cloud

2. Private Cloud

3. Hybrid Cloud

 What is formula field?

It is a Read only field that will be evaluated automatically with the expression defined by us. If we update any value in the expression, it will automatically updates the value of the formula fields as per the new values. This can be created on both CUstom and Standard Objects.

 We can return formula in 7 ways.

 1. Checkbox: Calculate a boolean value.

2. Currency: calculates the dollar or any other currency Specified.

3. Date:

4. Date/Time:

5. Number:

6. Percent:

7. Text

 What is Field Dependency?

Field dependency means controlling a field based on other field. Ex: There are two fields. Country and State. If you want to display only states related to Country,.

 The Value selected on the controlling field affects the values available in the dependant field.

A dependant field works in conjuction with controlling field to filter its values.

We can define custom picklist fields as Controlling or dependant field.

 we can use Standard picklist field only as a Controlling but not as a Dependant field.

We can define default values for controlling fields, but we cannot define default value for Dependant field.

We cannot define multi select picklist fields as controlling.

we can define checkbox as controlling field only.

Navigation -- Setup -- Object -- click on object-- Field dependencies.

What is Validation rule?

Validation rules helps you to improve the quality of the data and prevents users from entering incorrect data. We can write one or more validation rules that consists of error message.

 Validation rules are executed when you are saving the record.

2. A validation rule that contains a formula or an expression that evaluates the data . If that expression returns true, we can display error message.

 What is REGEX function?

Using this REGEX function we can build validation rule to enforce proper data format.

 What is the purpose of Vlookup functionin validtion rule?

It searches an object for a record where specified field mathches for a specified field that matches the lookup value. It returns another specified value.


VLOOKUP(Field_to_return, field on lookup object, lookup value)

 Workflow Management

Workflow rules are the automated process to send E-mails assign tasks, update fields on trigger criteria based requirements.

1. Select on which object the workflow rule applies.

2. Setup --> Create --> Workflow & Approvals --> Workflow Rules.

3. Evolution Criteria


Created & Modified

Created, any time it is edited &  Subsequently meet the criteria.

 Created: Evaluate the rule criteria each time a record is created. If the rule criteria meets, run the rule. Ignore all the updates to existing records. with this option rule never fires more than once per record.

 Created & Modified: Evaluate the rule criteria each time a record is created or updated. if the rule meets the criteria , run the rule. With this option, the rule repeatedly runs every time a record is edited, as long as the record meets the criteria.

 Created, any time it is edited &  Subsequently meet the criteria:

            1. Evaluate the rule each time is created or edited.


For a new record, run the rule if the rule criteria is met.

For an updated record, run the rule only if the record is changed from not meeting the rule criteria to meeting the criteria.

 Workflow Action: Is an action that needs to be done according to your Evaluation Criteria.

 Time dependant workflow action will be aborted if you change the lagain after if it was fired.

If you want to delete action --> Go to Monitor --> Time based workflow Action --> Delete.

 Time dependant workflow action is not possible when the evolution criteria is Created or Edited.

 Configure outbound message

 1. Enter a name for this outbound message.

 2. Enter a unique name to refer to this component in the API and to prevent naming conflicts for managed package installations.

  3. Enter a description for this outbound message.

 4. Before giving the endpoint url just go this website then click the MakePostbin button, a unique url will be generated and then copy the URL, use it as Endpoint in the outbound message

 5. Enter an endpoint URL for the recipient of the message. Salesforce sends a SOAP message to this endpoint.

  6. Select the Salesforce user to use when sending the message. The chosen user controls data visibility for the message that is sent to the endpoint.

 7. Check the Protected Component check box to mark the outbound message as protected. For more information, see the Quick Reference for Developing Packages.

 8. Select Send Session ID if you want the Salesforce session ID included in the outbound message. Include the session ID in your message if you intend to make API calls and you do not want to include a username and password. Sending a username and password is less secure than sending a session ID.

 9. Select the fields you want included in the outbound message and click Add.

 10. Click Save.

 11. To set outbound messages into action, associate them with a workflow rule, approval process, or entitlement process.

 12. To check the outbound message just go to endpoint url of your workflow rule, you can able to view your output as SOAP message.

 Approval Process:

Salesforce Approval process is an automated process and your organization can use to approve records in salesforce.

An approval process is combination of steps for a record to be approved and person has to approve it each step.

An approval process also specifies the actions to take when a record is approved, rejected, recalled, or first submitted for approval.

 setup-->create-->Workflow & Approvals --> Approval process.

 1. Enter Name, Unique Name, and Description.

 2. Select criteria

 3. Define initial submission actions.

 4. Define approval Steps.

 5. Manager Step --> CEO Step

 6. Final Approval Steps.

 7. Final Rejection Steps.

 8. Once the salesforce approval process is activated no more steps can be added.

 Initial submission actions cannot be  edited, but final Approval and Rejection actions can be edited.

 Reports in Salesforce

In any business, Reports are very important. Reports will provide clear picture to the management.

 Management uses the reports to track the progress(of business) towards its various goals and increase revenue. Reports help to predict trends and this is advantage of increasing profits.

 4 types of reports.

1. Tabular Reports -- Simple listing of data without any subtotals. Use tabular reports when you want a simple list or a list of items in a grand total.

2. Summary Reports -- This type of reports provides the list of data with groupings and subtotals. when you want subtotals based on the value of a particular field.

3. Matrix Reports --  This type of reports to group records both by row and by a column. Use this reports when you want to see data by two dimensions that are not related.

4. Joined Reports -- Block of related information in a single report. This type of reports enables you to adopt five different blocks to display different type of related data. Each block can own unique columns, summary fields, formulas, filters, and sort order. use this reports to group and show data from multiple report types in different views.

 What is bucket field?

 Ex: If number field is <5 value is Test Age 1 and if age greater than 5 the value of Bucket field is Test age2

What is Dashboard?

Dashboard is the graphical representation of the data generated by a report or multiple reports. Dashboard component types can be charts, tables, guages, metrics, or other components that you can create with Visualforce.


Salesforce Web-to-Lead is to directly collect capture the leads from your website and loaded into salesforce.

How to setup

Login to salesforce --> setup --> Customize --> Leads --> Click Web-To-Lead

By default web-to-lead is enabled in salesforce. By default it will display System administrator as a owner who created Organization.

 You can add what are all the fields you need to see on the website. And we have to give return URL .

 Return URL is  nothing but the URL to which it will be navigating after submitting the web-to-lead form.

 Click on the Generate HTML button. Now we will get the HTML code. Where in we have to place that code where you needed in your website.

 Take that code and do customizations to that code whereever you require and place that code  in your website.

 YOu can see these leads created from Web-to-lead by clicking in Lead object tab.

 Data import Wizard

Data import wizard provides you load the data into salesforce. By using this wizard we can insert, update & upsert the records.

 By using this we can import upto 50,000 records. It won't allow you to load duplicate records.

 By using this you can load Accounts, Contacts, Leads, Solutions and Custom Objects

 Setupv--> Administer --> Data management -> Data import Wizatd and click Launch Wizard.

 After clicking on Launch Wizard, we have to do 3steps to perform import operation.

 1. What kind of data you are importing: Here we need to select object you want to perform import operation. Here you can select Accounts, Contacts, Leads, Solutions and custom Objects.

 2. What do you want to do?:

 Here we need to specify which type of operation you are going to do(Add new records, update existing records, and new and update existing records.)

 3. Where is your data located? : Here you need to specify from where you are loading data? i.e., you need to specify your Csv file path.

 Now we have to map your CSV columns with salesforce fields. Click on next to review what you are going to do.

 This wizard is simple to load 50,000 records.

 Import Accounts/Contacts

By using this you can import accounts and contacts at a time into the salesforce.

 By using this option you can load 50000 Account/Contact records.

you cannot insert duplicate Account/Contact records.

 By using this you can add accounts/contacts into one sheet and you can load the records.

 setup--> Administer--> Data Management --> Import Accounts.Contacts and click on Start the import wizard.

Choose your file to upload accounts and Contacts. Map the columns to Salesforce fields.

 Import Leads

Salesforce Data Loader

 Salesforce data loader is a tool provided by salesforce to perform following operation on data.

 By using Dataloader you can load upto 50,00,000(5Million) records.

Salesforce data loader is a good tool to load bulk amount of data into your Sobjects.

By using Salesforce data loader you can schedule the loads.





Hard Delete(is enabled when Use bulk API is enabled)


Export All

 When importing data, Data loader reads,extracts and loads data from comma Separated Values or from database connections.

 We can use data loader in 2 ways

 1. User interface

2. Command Line


 An easy to use wizard interface for interactive use.

An alternative command line interface for automated batch operations.

Support for large files with up to 5million records.

Drag and drop field mapping

Support for all objects, including custom objects.

can be used to process data in both salesforce and

Detailed success and error log files in CSV format.

 Import Wizard VS Salesforce Data Loader

Use data loader when----

 To load the data more than 50,000 we wil go for Data loader. We can load upto 50,00,000 records at a time by using data loader.

-- To load the data into an object that is not supported by import wizards.

-- To schedule regular data loads, such as nightly imports.

-- To export data for backup purposes.

Use import wizard when ---

 -- When you want to load below 50,000 records.

-- The object you need to import is supported by import wizard

-- if you want to prevent duplicates by uploading records according to account name, and site, contact email address or lead email address.


login to salesforce

Setup--> Data management --> data loader

install that downloaded file


Use bulk api

if you enable bulk api, hard delete will be enabled

 Export all-- it will give the data including data in recycle bin.

 Hard delete -- means deleting the data permanently from org. That mean data will not be stored in recycle bin.


is a world's largest, top most and first cloud computing application. Salesforce app exchange is custom developed applications where u can build, customize and develop salesforce applications.

 Using salesforce app exchange you can share applications to million of other users all over the world.


Chatter in salesforce allows you to collaborate the people with each other in your organization. you can connect with your coworkers and you can share information securely in real time. You can create groups like Facebook groups such public groups and private groups and you can invite your coworkers . and also share your comments add images and you can like other comments.

 By default salesforce chatter is enabled now in salesforce. If this is not enabled to your organization and if you want to enable this setup follow below steps.

 Make sure you have customize application user permission to do this setup.

 1. login to salesforce.

2. Setup --> Customize--> Chatter --> settings --and enable chatter under chatter settings and save.

 Chatter group

Groups allow collaborate with specific set of people. You can create groups as you can do in Facebook and you can invite your team members. we can create public and private chatter groups.

Public group: in public groups every one can join and every one can see, add post, add files & add comments.

 Public chatter group members can change email settings, they can invite people and they can leave the group.

 if you are a public chatter group owner, you can add/remove group members, you can change the group photo, you can edit group settings

 Private group: --in private groups only members can see add posts, comments and files. And also group admin/owner approval must to join in private groups. Group admin approval is must to join in private groups. People who is having modify all permission at profile/permissionset level can see post, updates and files and they can join private groups directly.

 creating chatter group

login to salesforce--> click on chatter tab --> click on groups and click on new group.

 Manual Sharing:

Manual sharing is to share a record to a particular user manually.

Go to detail page of record and click on manual sharing and assign that record to other user with Read or Read/Write access.

Manual Sharing button enables only when OWD is Private to that object.

What is the use of "Transfer Record" in profile?

If user have only Read access on particular record but he wants to change the owner name of that reford, then in profile level "Transfer Record" enables he can able to change the owner.

How many field dependencies we can use in VF page?

Maximum we can use 10 field dependencies in VF page.

What are Record Types?

Record types restrict the picklist values and assign to the different page layouts for different Record types.

What is Audit Trial?

Audit trial provides the information or track of all the recent setup changes that an administrator done to the organization.

This can store the last 6months data.

What is the relationship between Contact and Account objects in Salesforce?

In Salesforce, COntacts is having a lookup relationship with Accounts i.e., Standard(Simple) relationship

Account and contact behaves as master detail in business logics but on UI it is a lookup relationship.

you can create a contact without filling account i.e., it shows that there is a lookup relationship between account and contact.

If you have created a contact with Account and you delete that account then contact will be deleted. This shows that it is in Master-detail Relationship. THis is a Standard behavior.

So we can say it in both ways, but in documentation this is a lookup relationship.

What are different Organization Wide Defaults? Explain each of them?

Below are the different OWD values


 If the OWD for an object is set to private, then only the owner, and users above that role in role hierarchy, can view, edit and report on those records

Public Read Only

 If the OWD for an object is set to Public Read Only, then all users can view and report on records but they cannot edit them. Only the record owner and the users above that role in the role hierarchy can edit the records

Public Read/Write

If the OWD for an object is set to Public Read/Write, then all users can view, edit and report on all records. But only owner of the record can delete the records.

Public Read/Write/Trfer

This is available only for Case and Lead objects

If the OWD for an object is set to Public Read/Write/Transfer then, all users can view, edit, transfer and report on all the records but only owner of the record can delete the records

Public Full Access

This is available only for Campaign object.

If the OWD for Campaigns are set Public Full Access then, all users can view, edit, delete and report on all records.

Is it mandatory to select User License while creating permission sets? If not, what is the significance of selecting a User License?

It is not mandatory to select a User License while creating a permission sets.

If users with one type of license will use this permission set, then choose the same license that’s associate with them.

If you are planning to assign this permission set to multiple users with different licenses then, choose none

Explain the use of Grant Access Using Hierarchies?

In Sharing settings, OWD settings, we have a check box Grant Access Using Hierarchies (for both standard and custom objects). If this check box is checked then it will give automatic access to the user’s data to other users in higher role of salesforce CRM Role Hierarchy.

If this check box is not checked then, only record owner and users granted access by OWD can gain the access.

What is the batch size limit (increment size for batch) in Data Loader?

Data Loader batch size limit is maximum of 200 per increment and if we selected Use Bulk API then maximum value is 10000

How many roles we can create for an organization?

We can create up to 500 roles for an organization.

How many permission sets we can create for an organization?

We can create up to 1000 permission sets for an organization

How many criteria based sharing rules is allowed for an Object?

Up to 50 criteria based sharing rules are allowed for an object

What are differences between workflows and approval process?

The key difference between workflows and approval process are as below

Workflow rules consist of single step and a single action where as approval process has multiple steps and different actions.

Workflow rules trigger automatically and the rules when triggered are not visible to the user. Approval process on the other hand, contains multiple steps each requiring a specific “I Approve or Reject” user action by the specified approvers.

What is the daily email alerts limit per standard salesforce license for workflow and approval process? And what is the overall daily organization limit?

Daily email alert for approval process and workflow are 1000 per standard salesforce license.

Overall daily organization limit for workflow and approval process email alert is 2000000 (2 million)

How many ways a field can be made mandatory?

A field can be made mandatory in 4 ways.

1.     While creating a field, we can make it mandatory

2.     Using Page Layouts

3.     Using Triggers

4.     Validation Rules.

What is Pricebook, product, pricebook entry?

pricebook entry is the junction object between pricebook and product.

Standard profiles in salesforce ?

System Administrator -- Customization and administration of the application

Standard User --  Can edit, view, update or delete one’s own record

Readonly --  Able to just view the records

Solution Manager -- Comes with standard user permission but also can manage categories and published solutions

Marketing USer -- Is able to import leads into the organization along with Standard user permissions.

What is Platform? is a platform (infrastructure) and code based on which the complete salesforce application exists. In other words Salesforce is built on which is a platform as a service(PaaS) that lets to simplify the design, development and deployment of cloud-based applications and websites

How many reports can be added to the salesforce dashboard?

A salesforce dashboard can be seen as a visual and pictorial representation of a report with the facility to add upto 20 reports within a single dashboard.

What is workbench in salesforce?

Workbench is a powerful, web-based suite of tools designed for administrators and developers to interact with organizations via the APIs.

It allows users to describe, query, manipulate, and migrate both data and metadata in organizations directly in their web browser with a simple and intuitive user interface.

How many records we can insert using Data Loader?

We can insert up to 5 million records using Data Loader 

How often do Salesforce update the software?

The background software is typically updated thrice a year, Spring, Winter and Summer. Software updates are transparent to the user base and only require a small maintenance window over the weekend.


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