Steps for Salesforce Security Review Process:

The Following Steps to be taken in to consideration while sending your App for Salesforce Security Review

1) Development of code for Application

2) Sending to code  Review.

3) Creating Package (Managed Package is Recommended)

4) Login to Partner Community (Login with your App credentials)

5) Go to AppExchange Publish home page.

6) Submit Your App forSecurity Review.

1) Development of code for Application:

This  Basic Stage for all  Applications.Depending on Requirement Develop the code .

 2) Sending to code  Review.

After Development of Your App Logic ,Send it for Code Review for avoiding the Security issues while using App .

Ex:  Sql Injection, Asserts in Test Class etc.

3) Creating Package (Managed Package is Recommended)

After code review ,Rectify the Bugs , if any bugs found in Document which is given as Code scan Report Result.

If no Bugs Found in  Code scan Report Result document Create a package. Here Managed Package is Recommended not to get Clash to the Object or field API names.

4) Login to Patner Community (Login with your App credentials)

Go to and Login with your Credentials if already signed up. Otherwise Sign up and login with your Application Credentials. You can Link your App using Partner community.

Salesforce has two partner programs. Select your primary partnership interest.
App Vendors build and sell apps with the Salesforce1 Platform and the AppExchange.
Consultants deliver services focused on transforming customers' businesses with Salesforce.

5) Go to AppExchange Publish home page

Go to home page of App Exchange.  if Your App Linking is done, you can find Your Package With Versions.

Please select Required Version of Your package and Give Required information and finally submit it for review.

Note : Give your general information(Email,Name,Phone) correctly as the Results are being mailed .

6) Submit Your App for Security  Review.

After submit App for Security Review you can get email if it is successful submission .If it is unsuccessful you will be informed with root cause. Rectify the Errors in submission or follow up a Case.

Successful submission of Security Review takes 0-3 working days.

Note: Before submission of Security review for Your App Set Up Test Environment.Test Environment can be developer org or sandbox or production Where there should be a Successful installion of your App with SampleData.

*After the security review once salesforce approved the app, we can Place in Appexchange .



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