What is Salesforce CRM ?

Campaign (1)à Leads /Potential Customer / Prospects .

Sales Team à Sales head, sales manager , sales reprentatives contact the lead : Over the phone , send an email , meeting the person.

Leadà Convert à Customer:

    1.Account   2. Contact 3.Opportunity

Account record holding this below information :

Account : Name of the customer, Annual revenue, Type, rating, industry, Phone, address.

Contact :First name, last name , email, phone , title, DOB, DESIGANTION,

Opportunity : How much business we did with the customer / How much revenue we generated for the customer.

Service Teamà Service / Support  : We need to provide service to the customercase / complaint / ticket 

Case: case is nothing but detail information of the problem , wch the customer is facing with our product.

Solution : Solution is nothing but detail information of  resolution of the Case 

 Marketing process:

1. Campaign  Management

2. Leads management : People who are interested to buy our product .

Marketing process -> Sales  process à service process : this the cycle we are following .


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