Salesforce All interview Questions

This is ........., working as a seniour salesforce consultent  in.......... 

Totally I have  years and  months of experience in Salesforce Platform.

I have profound experience in each and every aspect of

I am into Configuration, Customization and Integration using Restful integration (HTTP).

We are only three in the team. So we are lone responsible for each and every task like we have to directly contact to

 client and have to gather requirements, develop it, test and demo to the user.

I have developed many number of Apex classes, Triggers based on the requirements of the client.

 Have worked on writing Test Classes, Batch classes, Validation rules, Workflow rules, Approval Process, Process Builder.

And also worked on the profile level permissions, sharing rule and permission sets as per the roles.

We do follow Agile methodology.

Everyday we will be having scrum call. We will be giving updates on our work.

 If I need to get any further clarifications then I will Schedule a separate call.

We work in Sprint. we will have 2 weeks per sprint. we will be working on the developments we have and will deploy.

 Then we have to work on the hot fixes and also on the next developments.

This is how the process goes.

Currently I am working for  ............project.

manufacturer and supplier of diagnostic and medical

imaging systems related to women's health.


Admin :


What is Salesforce ?

✓ SFDC was officially launched in 1999. Founded by Mark Benioff.

✓ is number one on demand CRM in the market.

✓ It is cloud computing technology. It is available on cloud, no need any software and no hardware required.

✓ You can develop your own application or if you need any application on demand, you can buy from app exchange.

✓ App Exchange is a market place to sell our custom applications and to buy applications from app exchange.

✓ platform reduce development cost. we can deliver application is very short

What is OWD?

❖ OWD'S are base line record level security for objects in the organization.

❖ It is used to restrict access to data.

@1 What is prole and Role in salesforce?

Pro{le: Pro{le is object level and {eld level access and it ismandatory for all users.

Role: Role is Record level access and it is not mandatory for allusers.

@2 What are the you worked on Admin ??

@3 I have one profile assigned to 20 users, I want assign one extra permission to one particular user how can you do that?

@4 what is the difference b/w owd and sharing settings?

@5 what is the use of writing sharing rules? 

@6 For which criteria in workflow time dependent workflow action canot be created?**

@7 what is the evalution criteria and rule criteria in salesfforc wf?

A)evalution criteria -->based record creation before

Rule criteria based on spefic condtions 

@9 difference b/w insert and database.insert ?

@10 Briefly explain the different ways to store the various types of reports in Salesforce?

The reports in Salesforce can be represented in various types as listed below:

Tabular report: The tabular report is represented in the tabular format.

Matrix report: The matrix report is represented in the form of columns and rows based on grouping.

Summary report: The summary report provides detailed reports represented in the columns.

Joined report: Joined reports include the combination of one or more reports in a single report.

@Record types ?

@11 What Junction Object ?

A junction object is a custom object with two master-detail relationships, and it is the key to making a many-to-many relationship

12@ What are Sharing Rules?

Sharing rules help users to share records based on conditions. 

It is basically created for objects whose 

organization-wide defaults (OWD) are set to public read-only or private because sharing rules can only extend the access and not restrict it.

There are 2 types of Sharing Rules in Salesforce based on which records to be shared:

Owner Based

Criteria Based

Organization Wide default settings(OWD): 


This setting is given at object level. OWD defined the default record level sharing for objects. OWD takes the three different values.

1. Private --- Only owenrs an their high level 

2. Public Read Only --->all user's can we rthe records

3. Public Read/Write----> all users read and wirte .


Pricebook, product, pricebook entry


@14 pricebook entry is the junction object between pricebook and product.

@15 Salesforce recenct release 

Porcess builders not allowed to create in recent verison 

The update limits the number of inactive picklist values in a custom picklist field to 4000

16 Flows :

1.Screen Flow: With Screen Flow you can create a custom UI (user interface) and guide users through a business process that can be launched from Lightning Pages,

 Experience Cloud (previously known as Community Cloud), quick actions and more.


2.Record-Triggered Flow: This Flow launches when is record is created, updated, or deleted. So far,

 we have used Apex triggers for these automations some of which can now be done using Flows.


3.Scheduled-Triggered Flow: This flow launches at the specified time and frequency for each record in a batch.

 Traditionally we have met this kind of requirement using Apex batch jobs.

4.Platform Event Flow: Launches when a platform event message is received. 

For example, you can pump the data from external system in Platform Events and then use Flows to split and save the records in different objects. 

5.Auto launched Flow: Launches when invoked by Apex, Process Builder or even REST API

@What Fast field update in flow ??

The field update on the record wch triggred the flow .(Before triggered flow )


OWD(Organization-Wide Defaults) allows you to give permissions to the organization-wide and to define baseline setting for the organization. 

It is also helpful in defining the user’s accessibility level to the user where a user can see other user’s records.

OWD settings can be Public Read Only, Private, Public Read, and Write.

Follow the steps for OWD: Go to Setup → find the Security Controls → click on ‘sharing settings’ → click on ‘Edit.

@18 Differentiate between Salesforce Classic and Salesforce Lightning.?

Answer:  with Lightning,you don't need Visualforce for every task.

 Compared to Salesforce Classic, Salesforce Lightning has advanced security features.

@18 What are WhoId and WhatId in activities?

WhoID refers to people. Typically: contacts or leads. Example: LeadID, ContactID

WhatID refers to objects. Example: AccountID, OpportunityID

@19  What is “Data Skew” in Salesforce

In Salesforce, Data skew is a condition which you will occur when working for a big organization when there are more than 10,000 records.

 So, when users perform updates performance issue will be encountered. It happens because of data skew.


@20 Email to case?

What are the different levels of security?


Object level security

Field Level security

Record level security

@21 What Is Custom Setting?

Custom Settings are like custom objects. They are generally used to create custom sets of data and can be associated with an organization, profile or a specific user. 

The visibility of the custom setting can be controlled by marking it as public or protected. Custom Settings data set can be used in Formula fields, Validation rules,

 flows, Apex and SOAP API.


 n Salesforce we have two type of custom settings

1) List Custom Settings:

The data in List Custom Settings is directly visible to any user in the org.

2) Hierarchy Custom Settings

The data in Hierarchy Custom Settings checks the organization, 

profile and user settings for the current user and makes the data visible for them accordingly.

@22: What Is Custom Metadata Types?

The term “Metadata” is nothing but data about data. In simple words, when you are creating a record within Salesforce, you are creating data as well as metadata. 

The data which you are trying to enter,is captured or stored in the fields which are nothing but columns of your Object. 

Custom Metadata Types in Salesforce are similar to custom objects. It has a suffix of “__mdt” instead of “__c” in the API namespace.

 Let’s say if you create a Custom Metadata type with name “Apex Hours”, the API name of the metadata type would appear as – “Apex_Hours__mdt”.

It allow you to build dynamic applications using Apex on the Salesforce Platform and also enables you to have more control over the execution of your code.



9.Difference b/w sosl and soql 

1.I have two custom objects,can you write subquery on that?

2.How can we fetch related contact records by querying on Account object?

@A: Select Name, id, (select name from contacts) from account

3.How to avoid writing SOQL inside for loop?

4. When to use dynamic SOQl and when to use static SOQL?

Paremt - help me 

Child - Usersory 

parent to child ---> Custom : selct id ,(selct id from help_me_r) from users_story__C 

                     Stand :  selct id ,(selct id from contacts) from account

Child to parent  ---> Custom :selct id ,  from help_me_r

                      Stand : selct id ,  from contact


Developer Apex:


@1 With Sharing:

If you declare a class as a With Sharing, sharing rules given to the current user will be taken into 

consideration and the user can access and perform the operations based on the permissions given to him on objects and fields.

 (field level security, sharing rules)

@2 Without Sharing:

If you declare a class as a Without Sharing then this apex class runs in system mode which means apex code has access to all

 the objects and fields irrespective of current users sharing rules, fields level security, object permissions.


@Inhertited sharing rule 

parent calsss sharing will be applicable here ..either with share or with out share .

@3 What is Apex ?

❖ Salesforce Apex language is a multi-purpose programming language and exists in multi-tenant Environment.

What is Constructor in Apex Programming?

Constructor  is a special method that is invoked when an object is created from the class.

 Constructor has the following properties.

❖ Method name will be same as Class.

❖ Access specifier will be public.

❖ This method will be invoked only one that is at the time of creating an object.

❖ This is used to instantiate the data members of the class.

@4 How do you handle if you get Mixed DML operaton?

@future method.

2.what is the diff b/w synchronus and asynchronus operations.

@5 Apex Best practices :

Bulkify Apex Code

Avoid SOQL & DML inside for Loop

Querying Large Data Sets

Use of Map of Sobject

Use of the Limits Apex Methods

Avoid Hardcoding IDs

Use Database Methods while doing DML operation

Exception Handling in Apex Code

Write One Trigger per Object per event

Use Asynchronous Apex

@6what kind of exceptions handled in your class?

Types of exceptions:


1. SOQL Exception: This exception occurs when you exceed Salesforce's governor limits while querying data using #soql (Salesforce Object Query Language).

 To overcome this, ensure your queries are optimized, limit the number of records fetched, and consider using pagination techniques such as OFFSET and LIMIT.

2. DML Exception: When performing Data Manipulation Language (DML) operations like insert, update, or delete, this exception can occur. 

It's crucial to handle exceptions related to DML operations by using try-catch blocks and implementing appropriate error handling strategies.

3. Apex CPU Time Limit Exception: Salesforce enforces CPU time limits to ensure efficient resource utilization. If your Apex code exceeds 

the allowed CPU time, this exception is thrown. To address this, optimize your code, minimize unnecessary calculations, and offload complex processes to asynchronous Apex.

 major ---> to fix this cpu time limit eeror need to analyze the debug log  and converrt the synchronous  trasation to asynchronous 

 check wch method taking more time to execute .

4. External Service Timeout Exception: Salesforce integrates with various external systems, and sometimes communication timeouts can occur. 

To handle this exception, consider implementing retry mechanisms, asynchronous processing, or leveraging platform events to capture and retry failed requests.

5. Null pointer exception: A Null Pointer Exception is thrown when a variable or object reference is attempted to be used but is null (has no value assigned to it).

 It occurs when you try to access or manipulate an object that has not been properly initialized or is null.


1.why we need to use seealldata=true to test class?

2.why we need to use test.starttest and test.stoptest in salesforce?

What to test in APex:


Single record

Bulk records

Positive scenarios

Negative scenarios

Restricted user.

❖ if you mention @isTest(seeAllData = true) then test class can recognize the existing data in the database.

❖ If possible Don’t use seeAllData=true, Create your Own Test Data.

What are the assert statements?

To compare Actual value and Expected value we use assert statements.



Trigger is piece of code that is executes before and after a record is Inserted/Updated/Deleted from the database.

➢ Triggers will get fired based on the Events [ before insert, after insert, before update, after update, before delete, after delete, after undelete]

Triggers in Salesforce are two types,

1) Before Triggers.

2) After Triggers.

Trigger Context Variables?

By using Trigger Context variables, we can get the current state of the triggers. (To capture the runtime information, we use trigger context variables)

➢ Trigger.isInsert: Returns true if the trigger was fired due to insert operation.

➢ Trigger.isUpdate: Returns true if the trigger was fired due to update operation.

➢ Trigger.isDelete: Returns true if the trigger was fired due to delete operation.

➢ Trigger.isBefore: Returns true if the trigger was fired before record is saved.

➢ Trigger.isAfter: Returns true if the trigger was fired after record is saved.

➢ Trigger.New: Returns a list of new version of sObject records.

➢ Trigger.Old: Returns a list of old version of sObject records.

➢ Trigger.NewMap: Returns a map of new version of sObject records. (map is stored in the form of map)

➢ Trigger.OldMap: Returns a map of old version of sObject records. (map is stored in the form of map)

➢ Trigger.Size: Returns a integer (total number of records invoked due to trigger invocation for the both old and new)

➢ Trigger.isExecuting: Returns true if the current apex code is a trigger.

12.What is a recursive Trigger? 

Recursion is the process of executing the same Trigger multiple times to update the record

 again and again due to automation. There may be chances we might hit the Salesforce Governor Limit due to Recursive Trigge

13. How To Avoid Recursion In Trigger?

There are different ways to solve the recursion in the trigger.

Use Static Boolean Variable

Use Static Set to Store Record Id.

Use Static Map

Use Old Map

Follow Best practice for triggers

Let’s take a look in detail at all solutions and their limitations.

97. What is the bulkifying triggers?

By default every trigger is a bulk trigger which is used to process the multiple records at a time as a batch. For each batch of 200 records.

1.What are the considerations while implementing the Triggers?

2.Update Email of all contact when the related account Email is updated using Trigger.

1Trigger to count number of contacts associated with an account

CountContactsOnAccount.apxt :

trigger CountContactsOnAccount on Contact (after insert, after update, after delete, after undelete) {

    //call handler for best practice

    if(Trigger.isinsert || Trigger.isupdate || trigger.isdelete || Trigger.isundelete){

        CountContactHandler.CountContactHelper(, trigger.old);



public class CountContactHandler {

    public static void CountContactHelper(List<contact> newcontact, List<contact> oldcontact){


        set<id> accIds= new set<id>();

        if(newcontact != null){

            for(Contact c : newcontact){







        if(oldcontact != null){

            for(Contact c : oldcontact){





        List<Account> accList = [Select Id, NoofContacts__c, (Select id from Contacts) from Account where Id IN :accIds];



            for(Account acc : accList){

                acc.NoofContacts__c = acc.Contacts.size();





            update accList;



catch {





trigger CountOfContactsRelatedToAccount on Contact (after insert, after delete, after delete) {

    Set<Id> accId = new Set<Id>();

    if(Trigger.isInsert ){

        for(Contact con :{




  if(Trigger.isUpdate|| Trigger.isDelete){

        for(Contact con : Trigger.old){




    List<Account> accList = [Select Id,Name,Count_of_Contacts__c ,(Select id from contacts) from Account where Id IN : accId];

    for(Account acc :accList){---> write soql in for loop 

        acc.Count_of_Contacts__c = acc.contacts.size();


    update accList;


Roll sumary ---> 

Account -- parent

contact -- child 

parent delete ithya related child lo oka field should be empty ----> Only we will before delete 

Before insert , before update ---> event if we did same record .. then we can't do DML here


@@@Type Of Apex Trigger Frameworks In Salesforce?

There are different trigger frameworks available in the market for Salesforce but in this post, we will talk about them.

Trigger Handler Pattern

Trigger Framework using a Virtual Class

Trigger Framework using an Interface

An architecture framework to handle triggers

Batch class:


@1 Batch class?

Large amount of data divided in to no of batches. every batch processed separately is called batch apex

By using Batch apex, we can perform the DML operations on the bulk records at a time.

❖ Batch Apex allows us to process max. of 50 million records.

To implement the batch process, we need to use an interface called as Database.Batchable<SObject>".

❖ start method and finish method executes only one time. 

 execute method executes multiple times. per every execute method have fresh governor limits

 It will return either a Database.QueryLocator object or an iterable that has the objects or records passed to the job.


 if we wrapper records to scope in that secnario we used iterable

@2 How to send webcallout from batch?

 yes we can call up to 100


Test Class Related:

@3 What is Database.Batchable interface?

 The class that implements this interface can be executed as a batch Apex job.

@4 What is the Database.QueryLocator?

If we use a Database.QueryLocator, the governor limit for the total number of records retrieved by SOQL queries is bypassed.

 (Default 50,000 It allow up to 50 million records).


@5.What is the iterable<Sobject>?

  If you use an iterable, the governor limit for the total number of records retrieved by SOQL queries is still enforced.

  when we use iterable?

   if we want wrapper records to scope in that secnario we used iterable


@6 What is the Database.BatchableContext?

❖ BatchableContext Interface is Represents the parameter type of a batch job method and contains the batch job ID.

❖ This interface is implemented internally by Apex.

@7 What is Database.State full interface?

 if i want to get total number of records processed in all the batches then we can use Database.State full 


@8.What is Database.AllowCallouts?

 To use a callout in batch Apex, you must specify Database.AllowsCallouts in the class definition.


@9What is Quwuable ?

 Chaining Job : In Queueable Apex we can chain one job to another.

  Queueable apex is an asynchronous apex method. It’s similar to the @future method. By using this queueable interface,

 4e we can process an Apex that runs for a long time

 (such as web service call outs and extensive database operations). 


Vf Page:


1.How do you handle if you Get view state error in salesforce?

2. What are ajax componets in salesforce

actionStatus: used to display start and stop statuses of AJAX requests.

actionSupport: used to call a second component when an event happens to the first component.

actionPoller: similar to actionSupport, but the event is based on a timer instead of a user action.

actionFunction: provides support for invoking a controller action from JavaScript code using an AJAX request by defining a new JavaScript function.

actionRegion: used to demarcate which parts of the page the server should reprocess.

Integration:Integration is a process of connecting two or more applications.


@Types of authentication :

Certification ---> We will updaload certicate

conncted app ---> if wean tto give our credteinal ro trird pary we will create connect app amnd generate to client id and client scret 

Oauth 2.0 --->Two step authentication 

step 1: we get authentication code 

           we will pass the client id and 

step 2 : we will pass the authentication code in step 2 and we will get the access token .

access token 

once we fet the access token we get the responce .. based on that resopnce will deceirlizethe data json

finally mapped with our custom fields.

@Status code - 200 --sucess, 400 - invaild crecdiotns, bad url , 500 - No responce form server


1.Steps of integration using connected apps.

2.Write code to create callouts.

3.What are user credentials where it is stored.

5.types of authentications to connect external system

4.How to avoid writing SOQL inside for loop?

5.Type of Web Service

There are mainly two types of web services.

SOAP web services.

RESTful web services

3. Difference between JSON Vs XML?

JSON -- Java script object notation ,its supports only TEXT AND NUMBERS ,  Less secured compared to XML and its support Arry 

XML -- Xtesnsible mark up language , Its supports many data types text, numbers, image , charts, Graphs ,More  secured compared to JSON and its DOESN'T support Arry 

what is REST ?

RESTful API is an interface that two computer systems use to exchange information securely over the internet.

What is SOAP API?

SOAP is the Simple Object Access Protocol, a messaging standard defined by the World Wide Web Consortium and its member editors.

4.WSDL (Web Services Description Language) is an XML document that describes a web service. There are two types of WSDL in Salesforce:

Enterprise WSDL

Partner WSDL

@Enterprise WSDL:

Strongly typed, the object and its attributes are fixed.

Contains the metadata about all standard and custom fields and objects.

Can only be used against your Salesforce instance.

Ex: Position__c p = new Position__c();


@Partner WSDL

loosely typed, the object and its attributes can be variable.

Does not contain metadata about objects and fields. Takes an array of key-value pairs.

Can be used against many organizations.

Partner WSDL is more flexibile than enterprise WSDL. 

Methods use sObject superclass rather than specific classes. Application handles fields as arrays of name-value pairs.

Ex: sObject p = new sObject();


p.setField("Name", "Test");

5.Streaming API enables the streaming of events using push technology and provides a subscription mechanism for receiving events in near real-time.

@Inbound and outbound integartion 

6.How many types of API’s avaliable in salesforce?



Bulk API:

 The Bulk API provides programmatic access that lets you quickly load large data into your Salesforce organization. 

Streaming API:

Streaming API is a specialized API for setting up notifications that trigger when changes are made to your data.

Metadata API

Chatter REST API

User Interface API

Analytics REST API



Tooling AP

@we will go for refresh token ?

access tokne wil exprie on 24 hours so when ever we want to make a call out to the external system 

we request for new access token useing refreh token .

Note :

@Netsuite ingrtaion we did based on named crentionals .



Communities is nothing but a space that is created for your employees, customers, Partners to connect.

Communities can be customized as per your business needs.

@How to create community page.

@Wch work you done on communities ?in youer real time 1. Salesforce communities?

1.Salesforce communities are online spaces where people can come together to collaborate and share information. 

2.Salesforce Customer Community is a type of community that is designed for a company’s customers.

Ex: Amzon 

Partner Community is a type of community that is designed for a company’s partners.

ex: like your partners

3.What iscommon use cases for Salesforce Communities?

Some common use cases for Salesforce Communities include creating a customer portal for support,

creating an online marketplace for buyers and sellers, or creating an online community for discussion and collaboration.

@ hOW WE CAN GIVE permisiosn to communities 

@By useing sharing setting

Lightning @Aura :



@1What is Lightning Data Service?

Use Lightning Data Service to load, create, edit, or delete a record in your component without requiring Apex code. 

Lightning Data Service handles sharing rules and field-level security for you. In addition to simplifying access to Salesforce data,

 Lightning Data Service improves performance and user interface consistency


What is difference between Application event and component event?

@2 Component events are used when we need to send some value from a child component to the parent component.

@3 @Application events are best used for something that should be handled at the application level, such as navigating to a specific record.

@4.Does Lightning work with Visualforce?

Yes. Lightning component works with Visualforce by implementing Lightning out as discussed earlier.

By useing javascript and lighingapp we will call in vf page 

@5 How can we call child component controller method from the parent component controller method?

To call a child componentís controller method, we need to first create a aura:method which is publically accessible,

aura:method is used to communicate down the containment hierarchy i.e. parent to child. Sample code for implementing the aura method:

Component code



publicmethod: function(cmp, event) {

var params = event.getParam(ëargumentsí);

if (params) {

var message = params. str;

console.log(ìmessage: î + message);

return message;




Calling the cild method from parent controller


callchildCompMethod : function(component, event, helper) {

var childCmp = component.find(ìchildCompNameî);

var Result =

childCmp. publicmethod (ìmessage sent by parent componentî);

console.log(ìResult: î + Result);



5.Why do we use @AuraEnabled annotation?

@A:The AuraEnabled annotation provides support for Apex methods and properties to be used with the Lightning Component framework.

6.Letís say you have several buttons that reuse the same onclick handler. How will you retrieve the name of the button that fired the event?

Use event.getSource() in the client-side controller to get the button component that was clicked. Call

getLocalId() to get the aura:id of the clicked button.

7.List of Global value providers?




1. What is a component 

2. What is a helper 

3..What is a event 

4. Difference between application event and component level event 

5. What are different types of interface 

                a. to create a tab

                b. to override a button

                c. to add a component on a page


6. What is lightnig out 

7. what is use of hasRecordId

8. what is recordid

9. Lightnign data services 

10. recordViewForm 

12. recordEditForm

13. what are tokens 

14. what is lighting interface 

15. what is aura:handler 

16. $A.enqueueAction 

17. What type of response we get in client side controller

18. @AuraEnabled

19. How to invoke variables of apex class in Lighting component

20. what is local and gloabal id 

21. How do you deploy lightning components 

22. what is lightning debug handler

LWC:--> @Lwc always run in user mode only so if we want to run in system mode .. database.update we have option like user mode and system mode.


1@@ getrecord ---->getrecord Wire adapter rectrive a record from salesforce without the need of server-side-controller.

2@@ $ symbol------> $means that value is passed dynamically.When the value chnages,the wire 

 provisions data and the component rerenders.

 Lightning framework is based on event-driven architecture which allows to communicate between different events.

 Lightning events can be fired or handled by javascript controller.


@3. What are the best practices in LWC?

Segregate business-level events and low-level events

Whenever possible, clear the cache data

Use helper methods and so on

@4.What is template?

 template tag is a fundamental building block of a component's HTML. It allows you to store pieces of HTML.


@5.What aer the decorators  in LWC ?

 @Wire --> Gives you an easy way to get and bind data from a Salesforce org. it is sed to call apex method in Lwc.jS

 @ How many ways we can apex in LWC 

Two way there are wire, Imparative method 

wire ---> we can't do dml ,  chable = true untne @wire method lo data will come .

Imparative --> button click .. dml possible 

 @api--->@api: we have partent and child componets, 

 if we want pass the data from parent to child then we we will create @api variable in child and dirctly pass the data from parent .  

  @How to pass the data in lwc from parent  to chiled  ?

 A)if we want pass the data from parent to child then we we will create @api variable in child and dirctly pass the data from parent .  

 @How to pass the data in lwc from child to parent ?

 A)We will use custom events

 Ex: event name :disablecreatebtn

  data : detail


 this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('disablecreatebtn',

 { detail: { disableCreateBtn: true




 @track --->@track is powerful,when ever we chnages the value in js controller if we re-render that value in html componet then we will use @tarck 


@if dn't  use track componet will refresh or not ?

A)if premitive data types will automatically re- render .. like string , number , boolen 

Non - premitive  -- list , map , set , Object 

@6.Function and event in LWC?

 @Function --->function keyword to create a function, In fact, we’ve seen it already when we were looking at our object constructor.

 That constructor is a function.


@7.Differnece b/w Component & Application events ?

@Component events are used when we need to send some value from a child component to the parent component.

@@Application events are best used for something that should be handled at the application level, such as navigating to a specific record.

@8 How is LWC different from Aura?

LWC-based lightning components are built using web stack tools, whereas aura-based lightning components are built using HTML5 and JavaScript tools.

@9 What is the use of aLightning Component Framework?

In general terms, a Lightning Component Framework is a user-interface framework that is used to develop dynamic web applications 

for both mobile and desktop users

@10 What is the use of the Salesforce Lightning Design System?

Salesforce Lightning Design System is used to develop web applications with great lightning experience, without writing a single line of code in CSS3.

@11 How many ways we can apex in LWC 

Two way there are wire, Imparative method 

wire ---> we can't do dml , reactive and chable = true untne @wire method lo data will come .

Imparative --> button click .. dml possible 


@12 how to call Custom label ?

we can Import by useing lbel name .

@13.What is render() , is it part of lifecycle hook? Why do we use it ?

Ans: Render is not part of lifecycle hook its a protected function, we only use it if we have imported multiple templates in our component and

we want to render particular template on meeting certain criteria. 

@14.Lifecycle hooks are used to handle the lifecycle of components.

 Here is list of all method:

1.Constructor: The constructor() fires when a component instance is created.

2.ConnectedCallback: Fires when a component is inserted into the DOM--->Document Object Model


3.RenderedCallback: Fires when a component is rendered on the DOM.

4.DisconnectedCallback: Fires when a component is removed from the DOM.

5.ErrorCallback: Fires in case of any error during a lifecycle hook or event

@15 What do you mean by cacheable = true annotations 

It is used to improve component performance by quickly showing cached data from client

side storage without waiting for server trip

@16 .What are lifecycle hooks in LWC ?

Ans: A lifecycle hook is a callback method triggered at a specific phase of a component

instance’s lifecycle.

There are following hooks supported in LWC :

Constructor : Called when the component is created.

Connectedcallback : Called when the element is inserted into a document. This hook flows

from parent to child.

RenderedCallback : Called after every render of the component. This lifecycle hook is

specific to Lightning Web Components, it isn’t from the HTML custom elements

specification. This hook flows from child to parent. Ie its not part of HTMLElement rather

defined in LightningElement.

Disconnectedcallback : Called when the element is removed from a document. This hook

flows from parent to child.

Errorcallback : Called when a descendant component throws an error. The error

argument is a JavaScript native error object, and the stack argument is a string. This

lifecycle hook is specific to Lightning Web Components, it isn’t from the HTML custom

elements specification.

@17 What are decorators in LWC (Lightning web components) in Salesforce? Latest

interview question.

Ans: The Lightning Web Components programming model has three decorators that add

functionality to a property or function. There are 3 decorators for LWC

@track , @wire, @api

@18 What is difference between var and let and Const in JS?

The keywords let and var both declare new variables in JavaScript. The difference between let and var is in the scope of the variables they create:

Variables declared by let are only available inside the block where they’re defined.

Variables declared by var are available throughout the function in which they’re declared.

const creates "constant" variables that cannot be reassigned another value.

@19 Do we have application events in LWC?

Ans: We dont have application event as such in LWC like Aura rather we have LMS(Lightning msg serveices) in

LWC to communicate between components which are not part of same hierarchy

@20: What is render() , is it part of lifecycle hook? Why do we use it ?

Ans: Render is not part of lifecycle hook its a protected function, we only use it if we have

imported multiple templates in our component and we want to render particular template

on meeting certain criteria.

@21:42.What is difference between ‘==’ and ‘===’ ?

Ans: ‘==’  it will jsut compare the data 

and ‘===’ means it will compares along with data types also .

@22 shodow dom in lwc ?

Field Service Lightning


Field Service Lightning and its purpose?

Field Service Lightning is a salesforce product that provides a comprehensive solution for managing field service operations. 

It is designed for service technicians, managers, and dispatchers who are responsible for managing on-site service requests.

The purpose of Field Service Lightning is to streamline the process of handling service requests from start to finish.

here we have workorder work type , maintiance paln service apppoint 

Salesforce Order of Execution:


1. System Validations.

2. Before triggers.

3. Custom validations

4. Record gets saved to the database, but not yet committed.

5. All after triggers executes

6. Assignment rules

7. Auto-response rules

8. Workflow rules

9. Workflow feld updates, the record is update again.

10.If the record was updated with workflow field update, before and after triggers fire one more time.

11.Escalation rules

12.Roll up summary 

13.Criteria based sharing rules 

12.Commits all DML oparations to database.

SFDC  Governor limits:


As apex runs in multitenant environment. The apex runtime engine strictly enforces a number of limits. These limits are call GovernorLimits.

if Some apex code ever exceeds a limit, the associated governor issues a runtime exception that cannot be handled.

Total number of SOQL queries issued - Synchronous Limit 100 - Asynchronous Limit 200

Total number of records retrieved by SOQL queries -- 50000

Total number of records retrieved by Database.getQueryLocator - 10,000

Total number of SOSL queries issued  - 20 

Total number of records retrieved by a single SOSL query  - 2000

DML Statements issued -- 150

Total number of records processed as a result of DML statements, Approval.process, or database.emptyRecycleBin - 10,000

Total no. of methods with Future annotations allowed per Apex-- 10

Total classes that can be scheduled concurrently -- 25

Total number of callouts (HTTP requests or web services calls) in a transaction - 100

Maximum CPU time on the Salesforce servers  Synchronous Limit  -  10,000 milliseconds  , Asynchronous Limit 200  60,000 milliseconds

Maximum execution time for each Apex transaction  10 minutes 

Maximum number of characters for a class 1 million 

Maximum number of characters for a trigger 1 million 

Maximum amount of code used by all Apex code in an org1 6 MB





1What does CPQ Stand For ?

CPQ Trans for configure,Price and Quote.

CPQ is a Tool wch help company's produce accurate configured quote and make them useing automation.

C is for Configure, customer can select product and what is required?


P is for Price , Make for Price product which as selected

Q is for Quote , Generateing estimated Price to customer for products.

CPQ software is a Sales tool for companies to quickly and accurately generate quotes for orders.

Useing CPQ Applictaion allows sales organizations to focus selling and replicating best sales practies.

The benefits of CPQ Software include formalizing rules and pricing,and it increses the company-wide efficiency.

Topics in CPQ:


What is Price in CPQ?


Salesforce CPQ provides several types of pricing discounts that sales reps can apply to their quote lines



Block Pricing –------------>Uses a flat price for a range of quantities instead of multiplying by a number of units.

Percent of Total Pricing –-> Looks to the sum of other product prices, then takes a percent of that sum.

Option Pricing Override –--> Replaces the price of a product only when it’s within a bundle.

Cost Plus Markup Pricing –-> Allows sales reps to add value on top of a product’s cost.

Contracted Pricing –------->Sets account-specific prices for individual products or categories of products.



Pricing Field   <------------->     What It Represents

Original Price------------------------->Price book price

List Price----------------------------->Price book price, percent of total price, block price, or option price override

Special Price-------------------------->Cost plus markup price, contracted price, or option discount

Regular Price--------------------------->Result of volume-based discounts

Customer Price-------------------------->Result of manually editable discounts

Partner Price--------------------------->Result of partner discount, set manually or through automation

Net Price------------------------------>Result of distributor discount, set manually or through automation.

This list of prices is often referred to as the price waterfall because each price cascades down to affect the next price.

For example, CPQ takes the special price and deducts the volume-based discounts

to calculate the regular price. Then, it takes regular price and deducts manual discounts to calculate customer price, and so on.

It’s good to be familiar with the price waterfall so that you can understand how CPQ eventually calculates the net price.

This is what we actually ask the customer to pay for a given product, and it is synchronized to the opportunity product price.

What is Dicount in CPQ ?


Salesforce CPQ can apply volume-based discounts automatically so that sales reps don't have to search through

tables of out-of-date discounting data. CPQ also keeps track of different types of discounts,

such as partner or distributor discounts, so that pricing details are never lost.

Object  <---------->       Volume Discount Scenario <------------------------------------>                     Priority

Contracted Price -----------> Discounts only for a specific account.                                               ------>1

Price Dimension--->Discounts for one-time fees attached to subscription products or segments of the subscription term.---->2

Product Option-------------->Discounts only when a product is sold in a bundle.                                       ---->3

Feature--------------------->Discounts for every product in a bundle feature.                                       ------->4

Product--------------------->Discounts whenever a product is added to the quote.                                    ------->5

What pricebook Object will do in salesforce

============================================ :Products are the individual items or services that you sell to customers through your opportunities and quotes.

                                             Price Books are list of products and their associated prices.

                                             Each product and its price is called a price book entry.

@@@custom calculator plugin in salesforce cpq  ---->

 Go to Setup -> Installed Packages. Search for Salesforce CPQ. Click "Configure". You will be shown: Settings Editor Salesforce CPQ. Now click "Plugins" tab.

                                     In plugin settings page: 1. For Apex: Legacy Quote Calculator Plugin

                                                              2. For JavaScript: Quote Calculator Plugin.

Product Hierarchy  ---->Product bundles are hierarchical, using the Product Option object as a junction between parent Product and child Product.


Product and Bundles -----> :Product something wch your going to sell it to your customer , The product come as

                             standlone :  The Product wch can be sold in individually.

                             Bundled   : It means two or more products can be sold as bundle

                             Options   : It provides additionals choices for products to the uses.

Advanced Approvals   ----->Automate and customize your approval process with the Advanced Approvals package for Salesforce CPQ.

                                You can require approvals when records meet certain conditions, automate resubmitted approvals,

                                and control the order that approvers receive requests.

         Example: Here we need to specify the Target Object and Approver , Approval Chain and if you want you can add Approval Conditions ,

            Request Template also.

Configuration attribute:--> are used set the values of multiple shared product option and if you want to use them simultaneously them

                          we have to make use of Configuration attribute.


Product Rules :--> Helps evaluate a product option, Quote or quote line against user-made conditions and then perform  actions on that.

                for example if Product A selected then also Product B also should be selected.

What is a Product Rule?


Product rules are used to enforce specific configurations either at the bundle level or the quote level. 

There are four types of product rules: validation, selection, alert, and filter.

Validation: Prevents a user from saving an incompatible quote/bundle configuration.

Alert: Notifies users of important information but does not prevent the user from saving the quote. 

Selection: Automatically selects, deselects, shows, or hides products based on defined parameters.

Filter: Used in dynamic search filters which will automatically filter the product catalog.

Guided Selling:-->its helps sales user in a Wizard fashion where series of question is asked,

                     based on the response on that question next Screens are displayed.

Custom Action:---> Custom Action provide  extra actions for your sales reps .

                   For example you can define custom add button and custom link button to perform more actions on the quote.

Price Rules----------------------->:Price Rules automate price calculations and update quote line field.

Contracts and Quote Templates ---->:Templates helps to control the formating of your quote document. eACH Templates contains various selctions like line item ,

                                   signature fields, and Terms and conditions.

Product Rule:


Product Rule : Product Rules are driven by an IF/THEN Structure :

To create a product rule we have follow various steps

1.Create product rule and Configuration rule

2.create error condition

3.Create actions

4.update product option

Example: if any time chiken Patty is selected coke should be auto selected.

Custom Action:


Consider custom actions Buttons, Menus, Separatores wch you want to added to the quotes create So that certain actions can be performed by the user.

Guided Selling:


Guided Selling is a way to filter products based on user input.

Example: Show only veg or Non Veg Items.

Quote Teamplate :


Once you created a quote , then you would like create your customer, to do that we will first create a template

that temaple creation process consistes of

1.Create a Quote Teamplate

2.Storing your logo in Documents.

3.Creating Teamplate Content

4.Createing Teamplate sections

5.Creating line columns

Twin fields in CPQ:


Two comparable objects can create twin fields. Salesforce CPQ will create the twin fields after the first object gives the modified parameter value to the second object.

 If the twin fields are editable, the data will be authorized along with the field type and API name.

 Example long discription on Product


Quote---> quote template Id field -->Line Columns and Sections-->Template Content.

Quote --> IN quote we have quote template Id field--> In Quote template we have Line Columns and Sections ---> these line columns,

          sections will display the preview document-->In line columns we have Display Order & Alignment field's  by useing that field we will

 diffentiate the order of display ---> From the Template Section we have -->Template Content here we will give our content data what we want to display.


 Amendment Contract:


Contract Amendments are used to upsell or cross-sell an existing customer during their existing contract term. 

For example,a user sells ten software licenses to a customer for a one-year term, starting 1 January 1 and ending December 31.

Explain the difference between Products and Product Options:


Products are the records that hold specifics such as Product Name, Product Code, Product Description, etc. 

Product Options are records related to two Product records, the Configured SKU (the Parent or Bundle product) and the Product record that holds the Option itself. 

Quotes are used to create proposals for the prospect or customer and will contain things like optional products, quote terms and can be used to capture a signature. 

Explain the difference between a Quote and an Order:


Orders are created by Sales Ops or the Finance team and are used to prepare invoices for the customer based on what they have purchased. 

Data from the primary quote will flow downstream to the Order record such as Account Name, Opportunity Name, Quote Lines > Order Products, etc. 

Explain the difference between a Subscription Product and a One-Time Product?


Subscription product: A product that generates recurring revenue – e.g. software license, ongoing service subscription, a product which is leased or rented, etc.

One-Time Product: A product that generates revenue once – e.g. a physical good that is sold rather than rented or leased, a perpetual software license, a fee for implementation services, etc.

What are Salesforce CPQ's limitations?:


Limitations on Salesforce CPQ Reduction OrdersWhen you lower a covered asset, include a percentage of entire lines.

When reducing the parent bundle, include bundle components.

Make a price schedule.

When you activate an order, consider the pricing calculation status. Make a contract, subscriber list, or asset.

What exactly is the Advanced Approvals function?:


As you can see, the IT sectors are becoming more automated at every level. Their sales process will be automated if they adopt Salesforce CPQ. 

They can significantly increase their workflow in a short period. If all parameters are met, all approvals can be done automatically. If the criteria match the mentioned parameters,

then approvals will include a request for a copy from the Salesforce CPQ specialist.

How can I make a new product bundle in Salesforce CPQ?


Ans: To build a new product bundle in Salesforce CPQ, please follow these steps:

Navigate to the Product button and select the New Product option.

Please include all the necessary information.

Locate the product in the product list and choose it.

Add the price to the price book.

Make the checkbox status as an active product accurate.

A product creation option is available as an option.

What are Custom Scripts?


Custom scripts can add extra functionality to the quote line editor.

Waht are the Salesforce CPQ Installation Permissions:


Before installing Salesforce CPQ, enable important permissions in your Salesforce org.

Enable email deliverability to all users.

Enable Chatter.

Enable Orders.

Enable CRM content.

If you want to use the Salesforce CPQ Advanced Calculator, authorize it in our installed packages configuration page.

@@@What Are The Primary Factors That Are Usually Encountered Within An Organization Where It Calls For A Need Of Cpq Software?

Answer :

The primary factors that are encountered within an organization where they see a growing need for CPQ software:

 Extensive delays in quote creation process

 Too many errors during the quote creation process or lot of loose ends

 It was out of date product related information and the pricing structures

 Doesn’t take opportunity about upselling or cross-selling platforms

 Lack of sales process optimization or visibility to grow the sales channel

If you observe any of these challenges are actually bringing your sales team to underperform it is your responsibility to invest in a

good CPQ software which helps you to be in a good position.

12.What Is Qtc?

QTC stands for Quote to Cash and it is an end to end business process which start from generation of quote to receiving payments for customers.

3.What Is Apttus Cpq?

APTTUS CPQ is more one of leading CPQ services provides to clients which are provided by company named as APTTUS.

4.What Is Product?

It is Product or services that can be sell to customer in as Standalone, Options and Bundle

Standalone: It can be sold individually

Bundle: two or more products can be sold as bundle

Options: it provides additional choices for products to end users.

5.What Is Product Family?

Product Family is a standard feature provided by salesforce and you can segment of your products using picklist.

6.What Is Product Group?

Product Group is an APTTUS Custom object and it contains set of products in it.

7. What Is Category?

Category is a high-level segmentation of products. It helps end users to select them using in Product catalog.

8.What Is Product Catalogue?

Product Catalogue is a place where you can find all list of products available in your organization.

9.What Is Bundle Products?

Bundle Products are combination of two or more products that provides added value to customers.

10. What Is Product Hierarchy?

Product Hierarchy is related to hierarchy of products which products are interlinked to another product.

11.What Is Inner Bundles?

Inner Bundles is also called as multi-level bundles where users select a bundle inside a bundle.

12. What Is Product Attribute?

Product Attributes are related to features of a product like colour, weight, size and so on..

13.What Is Product Attribute Field?

Product Attribute Field is a value of features of product which may be colour, size ..etc

ex: White iPhone , Here iPhone is a product and White is an Attribute.

14.What Is Search Filters?

search filters help us to find results by using their field values. To find products, options we can use search filter based on their field values.

15. What Is Pricelist?

Pricelist store multiple prices of a particular products based on business flow.

16. What Is Price List Item?

Price List Item store the list price of product that contains various price list based on area, location,quantity etc.

17.What Is Price Rules?

Price Rules deals with Pricing adjustments on products and it also helps to provide discounts, Special offers and Promotional offers.

18. What Is Price Rules Set?

 Price Rules sets contains criteria to update Price Rules on a product.


19.What Is Inclusion Rules?

Inclusion Rules helps us to generate error messages or promotes to users include both products.

20. What Is Exclusion Rules?

Exclusion Rules helps us to generate error messages or promotes to users exclude both products.


21: I have quote ..i have issue like if i select quote status equl's draft ...its calculate list price correclty but if quote type was Recalled the

list price was not updateing correclty? So waht you do to reolve the issue ?  

22. When i was generateing preview document on the quote I was getting error like ..bad error msg ...How you will debug to resolve the issue?

23. What is Twin field functionlity in cpq

24. What is STEEL britic cpq and Apttus CPQ?

25. What is your Business functionlity? of your Cureent project why they need to go for CPQ ?

27. What was critical issue you resolved ?

28. How do we prepare product bundles in Cpq? 

A) Feature and Product options use chysukoni chystham 

29. How do we define Price rules?

A) Price conditons met ithay values update avvuthai.

30) where do we use Block Pricing ?

31) Where do we use Cost Plus Markup Pricing?

32)wHAT IS Amendments contarct ?

33)Conatact renewal modeling in CPQ?

34)Complex advanced approval rules? how it could be help full in our project ?

35)QCP plugin customization and configuration? How dod we call on Specfic object ?

36)Subscription Billing and Invocing 

37) Subscription and Asset Management ?

38)summary variables ? 

39)what are the  Subscriptions in Cpq ? What is the forumula for to calculate Subscription Product’s Price?

A) Subscription Product’s Price = (QST/ PST) * PQ * PLP

QST = Quote’s Subscription Term

PST = Product’s Subscription Term

PQ = Product Quantity

PLP = Product’s List Price

40)What will happen when we Amendments contarct?

A) opportunitie  and quote create avvuthai and its related quote line alsi will be cretaed.

41) How to stop the CPQ trigger's temporerly ?

A)in the salesforce package settings we have additional settings option like Trigger disabled.

42)How do we modifiy the line editor fields?

A)Go to --> object manager--> Quote line object --> Field sets--> got field set name : Line editor .


2. What is Salesforce CPQ?

The Salesforce CPQ helps with the quoting process in a smooth way. We can automate contract amendments, usage pricing, and renewals. 

It provides a single view of customers’ assets in a dashboard. It provides easy to navigate complex product catalogs. 

It also provides several customized or preconfigured bundles to create effective customer solutions.

3. What does Salesforce CPQ allow you to do?

Your CPQ program lets you accurately configure products, apply pricing and quantity discounts, and have approvals already programmed into the system.

 This automation makes you look like a true sales professional, giving customer’s confidence in your processes and your company. 

4. What are the factors that raise the need for a CPQ?

The following are the reasons that might lead to a need for a CPQ.

Frequent delays in the quote creation process.

There might be a rise in errors during the quote creation process.

Products containing out of date information.

Lack of visibility for sales process optimization.

Opportunity about up-selling or cross-selling platforms.

5. What do you know about Salesforce Dashboard?

Salesforce dashboard is the pictorial representation of the reports. Salesforce dashboard can add 20 reports at one time on a single panel.

6. What is CPQ process?

CPQ means Configure, Price, and Quote. This is an integrated process for accurately generating sales quotes fast, which enhances the purchasing experience. CPQ helps advance the selling process by removing cumbersome manual processes. It helps in streamlining the entire process, as well.

7. Define the term Price List?

Price List in Salesforce is used to store the products’ multiple prices based on the business flow. The organization usually analyses and sets up a price for every product. All the different prices will represent in the Price List in Salesforce.

8. Define the term search filters?

The search filters in Salesforce CPQ are used by sales reps to filter the products that are available for selection based on certain attributes. An organization can have several items in the product catalog, which makes the product catalog lengthy. It makes it difficult for the sales reps to go through the list and their desired item. The search filters help them narrow down the product search.

9. Brief explanation of the benefits of Salesforce CPQ?

Salesforce CPQ provides its extensible support to the sales team and the organization in many ways:

Provides the control and visibility to the sales leaders          

Enables a way to launch new models which are flexible to the customers

Ensuring that the organization is working in collaboration with the back and front office teams together.

10. What is QTC?

The quote-to-cash (QTC) a term used in the technology designed to allow automated management of the user business processes.

 It is a process that has functions like order fulfilment, billing, account management, sales, and accounts receivables. It is the process that the organizations send the details and offers to the customers along with the pricing, generating a document called quote and involved in further completion of the payments and invoices. It is like an end-to-end function that is related to sales activities in an organization. The QTC starts with configuring offers and ends with the cash for the sale in question is collected. It reports the entire sales cycle, and the users can analyse it.

11. Define the term ABO in the CPQ tool.

Asset-Based Ordering (ABO) is mainly used for selling recurring licenses, support agreements, subscriptions, etc.

 It handles these kinds of transactions beyond the initial sale. It helps manage renewals.

 It has the ability to capture up-sell and cross-sells opportunities, delivers enhanced revenue and profit.

12. What is Salesforce billing?

Salesforce Billing requires integration with Salesforce CPQ. 

The CPQ is a sales tool for businesses to generate quotes for orders quickly with accuracy. I

t helps sales reps sell the right product combinations, controls discounting, and automates approvals.

13. Define the term batch quantity in Salesforce CPQ.

Batch quantity is a feature provided by Salesforce CPQ to price products or their options by lots or bunches.

 The Salesforce CPQ divides the product option’s quantity with the batch quantity and places it for the resulting quote line’s quantity.

14. What is more unique about this tool?

With the help of this tool, it gives the flexibility for the sales executives to work on the price quotes based on the latest approved pricing structures and discounting rules and approvals already predefined. So basically all these factors are taken into consideration while generating a particular price quote. All this can happen anywhere and right at their fingertips as on when there is a need. Thus making it a flexible tool and independent tool for all the sales executives within the organizations. It not only makes your sales executives or officials life easier and efficient it also adds to the overall execution of the organization selling strategy.

15. What do you understand by permission sets in Salesforce?

A permission set refers to the set of permissions or settings set up to the users to access the records and perform the functionality without changing the profiles. The functionality of the user can be extended by using the permission set. Profile creation is a time taking process, instead, a permission set can be used.

16. What do you mean by Transfer record in profile?

The transfer record is the functionality available in the Salesforce that is used to grant the permissions to the users. If a particular user has the permission or authority to share the record, the user will have the capability to share the document in a read-only access format.

17. What are the alert rules in Salesforce CPQ?

Alert rules are used to provide informational messages when configuration or pricing is done. It lets the users save configuration or quote without having to change anything. They provide suggestions to the users on optimal but non-required configurations. 

18. What are the key aspects of that CPQ transforms the organization’s sales?

Eliminates errors

Increases speed

Maximizes deal size

Provides accurate and updated information

22. What is Product Hierarchy?

A product hierarchy is a classification of products based on essential components in a logical structure. The product hierarchy helps users navigate through the products and complete their tasks easily.

23. What is Product Attribute?

Product Attributes are related to features of a product like colour, weight, size.

24. What is an Audit Trail?

The Audit Trail function in Salesforce is useful for gaining information or for tracking all the recent setup changes that the administration has done in the organization. The audit trail can preserve data for up to six months.

25. What are Audit fields in Salesforce?

The standard fields in Salesforce are called Audit fields. The approved areas include name, owner, created by, and last modified.

26. What are search filters?

Search filters help us to find results by using their field values. To find products, options we can use search filter based on their field values.

27. What is Pricelist?

Pricelist store multiple prices of a particular products based on business flow.

28. Why does the CPQ tool help your sales executives with Influencing behaviour?

It is a known factor that the more they sell the organization does make more profit from the sales so it is evident for the organization to actually invest in some sort of a tool which actually makes or inculcates a motivation. So one of such tool is nothing but CPQ, it does provide the right information about the product at the right time. Thus giving out a positive feeling for the sales executive and ultimately motivates him to do this over time.

29.  How does CPQ is actually closing your CRM system gaps?

CRM systems most of them do not cater the option or flexibility of automating their price quote processes and thus making life hard. With the existing CRM applications that are out in the market, it is difficult to automate the price quote process. Thus forcing the employees to rely on standard Microsoft Word or Excel. By following this process, the entire flow of quote generation is slowed down to a maximum extent. Further, they might not be 100% accurate and prone to unidentified risks. Thus being said about the slow price quote process, it will further affect the next steps like having low win rates and also more obstacles to make from potential lead to a customer. Thus, ultimately affecting the revenue for the organization.

30. Why does CPQ tool is considered as a modern-day utility tool for an organization?

It is considered to be a modern-day utility tool because it caters. Offers a superior selling platform Single source of truthful and worthy information about products Targeted price quotes because of the customization Incentives provided based on the product selections


how to called parent method to child method in LWC?

hopw to call apex class method in LWC?

where we use re-render in LWC ?

What type LWC componets you build in your Org ?

Why we cachable = true ?

aking a method as cacheable improves your component performance by quickly showing 

cached data from the client-side storage without waiting for a server trip. 

Locker service in lightning ?

What audit trial ?

Why we need to go Outh ?

what is Sprint ?

Render callback  and Callback in LWC ?

Order of exuction for Trigger ?

Lwc lighting action ? how we can use in communities ?

What is skinny table ?

What is the process of integration inbound and outbound ? how will you do?

Write json deserialze syntax with wrapper example in apex integrtaion ?

What is LDS ?

When we use get and set in LWC ?


Sharing/Visibility (OWD, Apex Managed Sharing vs. Manual Sharing, Custom Permissions, Record Types, etc.)

Declarative Development (Flows, WF Rules, Process Builders, App Builder, etc)

Programmatic Development

Apex, SOQL, SOSL, Aura, LWC, VF

Best Practices (Trigger, Unit Test, LDV---> Skinny Table, Governor Limits, Coding Standards)

Streaming API (Platform Event, CDC)

Integration (Patterns, Tools, OAuth Flows, Apex Web Services, etc)

Clouds - Sales,Service,Experience

Solution designing

(for Senior and Lead - mandatory)

Problem solving skill

who id and whats id ?

lwc actions how 

Paremt - help me 

recent created 3 record : order by created date by desc limit 3

Colour__c ---> Red , white , green , yellow

 Map<id, account> 


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